The Gladeyes London Street Summer Tour
The Gladeyes London Street Summer Tour December 2006
Winter in Dunedin is notorious. Some choose to hibernate, others choose to simply leave. The Gladeyes on the other hand are used to it and simply entered the studio asking their manager to lock the door behind them and open it when summer came round. At some stage they managed to get out for supplies and to make another music video, but that was an uncharacteristically warm day. Now that summer is here and Dunedin is marginally warmer The Gladeyes have emerged with a heavy dose of cabin fever and an urge to travel. As a short term remedy to this they will be covering New Zealand during December to promote the release of their second music video, handle the jandal finalist London Street.
The video was shot in one day by LA Based director Jared Seltzer in Anthony's bedroom. The cat's name is Ozzy and the dog's name is Biddy. They were both paid in food. So was Anthony.
The video was selected from 93 other videos to be in the 2006 Radio Active Handle the Jandal finals, along with 14 other entrants. Unfortunately it didn't receive any awards, but the goody bags alone were worth it.
This tour will also include new material from the debut album, You Can Listen Too, which is due out in February 2007. The album is currently being mastered in the US and will be available in New Zealand through Borderline Recordings. With plans to head to the US and ex-patriot David Benge booking shows in Australia, a more long term solution to the cabin-fever-travel-bug shouldn't be too far away.
"What do you mean the liquor is free when you fly international?" - Chris Keogh, guitarist, on his first international flight to Australia in 2005 preceding The Gladeyes first Australian tour.
"Did you say the liquor is free when you fly international?" - Logan Valentine, guitarist, on his first international flight to Australia in 2005 preceding The Gladeyes first Australian tour.
"Who cares whether it's free or not?" - Anthony Lander, bassist, already drunk, preceding The Gladeyes first Australian tour.
"Boys, the liquor is free when you fly international" - Stu Harwood, Drummer, preceding The Gladeyes first Australian tour.
"Please play our video" - Rebecca Daniel, manager.
The Gladeyes London Street Summer Tour December 2006
14th - The Dux De Lux, Christchurch
15th - Happy, Wellington
20th - The Dogs Bollix, Auckland
22nd - Backstage, Dunedin