Flaxmere residents have their say on playground
Flaxmere residents have their say on new playground
Hastings District Council is asking neighbours of Flaxmere Park to help them plan a new children’s playground for the area.
The survey asks residents to give their opinion on the location of the new playground, with three potential sites identified. Over 700 survey forms have been sent to residents who live within 500 metres of the suggested sites.
The survey also asks questions regarding play equipment, shade sails and fencing. Derek Thompson, Hastings District Council Parks Manager, believes public participation adds a vital component to the design stages of playground development. “Getting a playground right for the community who use it is our chief objective,” he said.
“In Flaxmere we actually have quite a lot of quality play spaces but this new playground will replace a site that was deemed unsafe and so will give something back to this specific community,” said Mr Thompson.
Government funding has allowed Hastings District Council to carry out a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) assessment on Flaxmere Park. This work led to the identification of the three possible locations proposed in the survey. Peterhead School,
Flaxmere College and Flaxmere Primary will all be involved in the consultation process. All three schools will be invited to put together a small focus group of children to work closely with the Council on planning the new playground. A budget of $55,000 has been allocated for the project.