Council Expecting Action at Mill Site
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Release 14 November 2008 Council Expecting Action at
Mill Site The site was identified three
weeks ago in a Ministry for the Environment report on
potentially contaminated mill sites. The Waikoau site, in
parts, has highly toxic chemical residues present which can
pose a health hazard. The hazard arises where there is
potential for the contaminants to move off the site and
affect other property and people. The Waikoau site is
private land but is presently unfenced and near a road and a
settlement, so there is a risk that people may be exposed to
the chemicals if they inadvertently venture onto the
site. The Regional Council does, however, consider that
the lack of any earthworks or other disturbances on the site
is helping to keep it safer, as plant overgrowth can work to
keep down dust and keep people out. Regional Council
staff, including Hazardous Substances advisor Fred King,
have been in contact with Carter Holt Harvey personnel and
have discussed a number of relatively straightforward
measures to minimise any risks. Capping (sealing off the
surface), fencing boundaries, warning signage and a letter
to local residents explaining the hazards have been
recommended by the Regional Council. As a follow up on
these discussions, the Council is also in the process of
issuing an Abatement Notice to reinforce with Carter Holt
Harvey that the indicated works should be completed
quickly. Council officer Fred King has also been talking
with local residents about the site, what action is being
recommended and what they can do to reduce risks to their
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council wants to
be certain that actions planned or currently being taken by
Carter Holt Harvey to manage the former sawmill site at
Waikoau progress quickly.