Increase in charges and pay rise for Auckland councillors
Increase in council charges and pay rise for Auckland councillors
The proposed rates increase of 4.9% is not the only shock in store for Auckland Ratepayers.
The council is looking to increase the fees and charges it makes for a variety of services such as dog registration, liquor permits and licences etc.
Another increase proposed is Councillors’ salary levels – an additional $200,000 has been awarded to the councils Governing Body by the Remuneration Authority, but will be funded from rates.
On Thursday the council will consider raising the Deputy Mayor’s salary to $120,000, committee chairpersons will get $96,000, and councillors $87,000.
Local Board members are also in for pay rises averaging $2,000 each.
This council needs to consider the plight of many ratepayers who will simply not be able to afford any rates increase - let alone a 4.9% increase.
The call from many ratepayers is ‘cut spending’ - and the council should pay close attention to the recent changes in legislation which require councils to decide ‘core services’ and impose their own limits on the level of rate increases.