Second passing lane SH2 to be closed
NZ Transport Agency Bay of Plenty Office
4 August 2011
Second passing lane SH2 to be closed
The south-bound passing lane on State Highway 2, between Te Maunga and Bruce Road is to be permanently closed as part of the NZ Transport Agency’s Tauranga Eastern Link project.
The realignment work in this area and removal of existing line marking will take place on Monday 8 August between the hours of 6.00am and 6.00pm. The closure of this passing lane is required to allow construction work for the Mangatawa Interchange to start.
Andrew Scott, NZTA’s Tauranga Eastern Link Principal Project Manager says that while this work is being carried out on Monday a temporary speed restriction of 50km/hr will be in place.
As was the case with the closure of the first passing lane along State Highway 2 in July, a long-term temporary speed restriction of 80km/hr will also be in place in both north and southbound directions.
A roadside information sign will be used to notify motorists in advance of the nature and timing of the proposed works. This work is weather dependant, and if it is wet the work will be undertaken on the next suitable day.
The NZTA thanks motorists for their patience and co-operation during these works.
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