Extra Recycling Will Be Collected
Extra Recycling Will Be Collected
Dunedin (Wednesday, 24 August, 2011) –
Due to the cancelled kerbside collections last Tuesday, the DCC’s recycling collection contractor has advised that they will pick up any excess recycling next Tuesday, 30 August.
The contractor will collect extra glass and those items ordinarily placed in the yellow-lidded wheelie bin, as long as it is contained safely.
For those residents who missed a ‘blue week’ collection, please put any excess glass recycling into sturdy boxes or similar containers and leave it out with your blue bin.
For those who missed a ‘yellow week’ collection, please ensure all excess recycling – paper, cardboard, plastic, steel and aluminium – is inside tied plastic bags or enclosed in containers. This will ensure paper and other lightweight items don’t blow away.
Please be aware that this extra collection will be
on Tuesday, 30 August only and is to compensate for the
collection cancelled due to