Last call for submissions on Auckland solid waste bylaw
23 August 2012
Last call for submissions on Auckland solid waste bylaw
Auckland residents have until Monday, 3 September 2012, to submit their views on the proposed solid waste bylaw for the region.
The management of solid waste in Auckland is currently governed by seven different bylaws of the former councils, which all expire on 31 October 2012.
Auckland Council proposes to replace these with a single bylaw to ensure one set of standards for the region.
Many of the new proposals are already included in existing bylaws but will be extended to cover all of Auckland.
“The aim of unifying the solid waste bylaw is to minimise confusion across the region by providing a single, clear set of rules for the handling and management of Auckland’s solid waste,” says Regulatory and Bylaws Committee chair Councillor Des Morrison.
“The immediate
change felt by Aucklanders will be minimal. However, some
proposed changes of public interest are the management of
unaddressed mail, abandoned shopping trolleys and disposal
of waste in other people’s bins.”
The council is keen
to hear from all residents, as well as the waste industry
and business operators.
The proposed changes aim to reduce any nuisance and potential health and safety issues posed by discarded waste to both the public and the environment.
The proposed bylaw will also help council achieve the outcomes of its Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, which was adopted earlier this year.
People can have their say on the proposed bylaw by making a submission online at where they can also view the draft bylaw. Documents are also available from all council libraries, service centres and local board offices.