Amended application for New Chums Development
Amended application for New Chums
04 September 2012
Coastal Land Trust Holdings has formally lodged an amended application with our Council in regards to the proposed development at New Chums (Wainuiototo) Beach
The original application proposed 20 residential rural lots ranging in size from 1,520m2 to 23,043m2.
This has now been amended and reduced to 12 lots consisting of 2 large rural lots and 10 rural residential lots ranging in size from 1500m2 to 126ha.
The eight sites removed from the application sat within the Wainuiototo (New Chums) catchment. The 12 sites being proposed (for the construction of 11 additional dwellings) are on Te Pungapunga Station, Te Punga Road (Quarry Road). This is within the Whangapoua drainage catchment.
Other key changes in the amended application include:
1. The removal of two parent titles from the application ((SA29D/773 and SA 537/221), which reduces the subdivision from 333.6ha to 217ha
2. An esplanade reserve will be created along New Chums Beach to vest in Council as Local Purpose Reserve
3. The Pa Site will remain on a separate title, no longer protected by a Conservation Trust but protected under a Heritage Covenant.
4. The removal of all boat houses from the application.
5 . An access bridge across the Pungapunga Rivers is proposed, located 50m upstream from the ford. Consent has already been obtained for this bridge from Waikato Regional Council.
6 . The amount of existing vegetation to be covenanted will be reduced from 215ha to 111.36ha.
7 . Proposed revegetation to be coventanted is reduced from 34ha to 23.85ha.
The revised subdivision plan shows the new configuration of titles, easements and covenants. In particular where larger house lots have been created where previously there were smaller lots set in a large common area.
Council is now
reviewing the amended application and will notify submitters