Urban Food Gardens at Wynyard Quarter
Auckland, New Zealand,
September, 2015:
The Compost Collective presents the Urban Food Gardens at Wynyard Quarter
The Compost Collective and our passionate gardening friends are celebrating spring with a week-long interactive garden installation at Wynyard Quarter, to highlight the possibilities of city gardens.
From 10-18 October the Compost Collective will join forces with other waste reduction organisations to show how it is possible to produce your own food and compost, even in highly populated urban areas.
On display at the event will be garden beds of various styles supplied by the Wynyard Quarter Community Garden. With plants and seedlings established from Gardens for Health and in collaboration with DIGit Gardens the gardens will be suitable for suburban back-yards or apartment balconies, growing fresh, seasonal produce.
Local residents and visitors to the area will have a chance drop by, get their hands into the soil, taste the freshly grown produce and learn how to get started on their own gardens..
Throughout the event, Te Waka Korero – Auckland Council’s mobile learning hub – will be there to highlight waste reduction practices such as recycling, upcycling and composting.
Tutors will be onsite daily from 10am until 4pm to answer questions and deliver a number of scheduled composting workshops. After getting the know-how, attendees of the event will be able to visit our website and access a $28 discount voucher towards a compost system to be delivered directly to their homes..
“With over 90,000 tonnes of food and garden waste going to landfill each year in Auckland, urban gardens can help Aucklanders reverse this statistic, while making a rewarding lifestyle choice,” says Regional Strategy and Policy Committee deputy chair Arthur Anae.
“Participants at the Wynyard Quarter event will be able to touch and smell some healthy, organic-rich soil, see how compost is made, and taste the fresh food it can grow - then place any leftovers in the compost to complete the cycle,” says James Samuel.
For more information about the event, to book a space in the scheduled composting workshops, and to secure your special system discount on attendance, visit the Urban Food Gardens page at:
contributors of the Urban Food Gardens event at Wynyard
• The Compost Collective: www.compostcollective.org.nz
• The
Wynyard Quarter Community Gardens:
• Auckland
• Gardens
4 Health: www.facebook.com/Gardens4Health-317027815132680/timeline
• DigIT:
• Zealandia:
• Ooooby: www.ooooby.org/auckland
• Use-d: www.facebook.com/Use-d-275947932590755/timeline
• The
Kaipatiki Project: http://kaipatiki.org.nz
• EcoMatters
Environment Trust: www.ecomatters.org.nz
The Compost
Collective is a collaborative initiative with EcoMatters
Environment Trust and The Kaipatiki Project and is supported
by the Auckland Council. The Urban Food Gardens at the
Wynyard Quarter is a Compost Collective event supported by
contributing organisations and thanks to Waterfront