GW Chair wants Wellingtonians to have their say
GW Chair wants Wellingtonians to have their say
Greater Wellington Regional Council Chairperson, Chris Laidlaw, says with tonight’s launch of the Let’s Get Welly Moving consultation, Wellingtonians have a once in a generation opportunity to shape the future of transport in the region.
“This is a deliberately open-ended approach designed to enable people in Wellington and elsewhere in the region to explore the various options and recommend what they see as the best combination. There is no one single solution and some sacrifices, including on-street parking, will be inevitable. We need a programme of work that will reduce the volume of private traffic entering the CBD, free up vitally needed space for public transport, and create more scope for walking and cycling in the central city. Understandably, as the options get more sophisticated costs rise. But with 46 thousand more people expected to be living in the city by 2043, we need some bold thinking on how to address this future reality.”
Mr Laidlaw said that the choice of mass transit options is very much part of the mix with nothing ruled in or out at this stage. “This has been a very constructive collaborative exercise between the councils and NZTA thus far. We’ve come a long way since the board of inquiry decision over the Basin flyover. Now it’s the public’s turn and I urge everyone with an interest in transport and Wellington’s future to give us their feedback.”
Let’s Get Welly Moving’s consultation goes from today, 15 November, until 15 December. During that time a series of events and stakeholder meetings and a public awareness campaign titledYour Voice Counts will take place. The aim is to develop and publish a preferred programme of action next year, which will include information about timing, costs, and next steps.