Rainfall and rivers update
After more heavy rainfall across Otago, river levels in coastal Otago are expected to rise tonight.
The Water of Leith and Silver Stream are expected to reach their peak flow tomorrow. River flows are expected to be less than those in July 2017. The Gordon Road spillway on the Silver Stream is not expected to operate.
North Otago catchments are likely to receive the highest rainfall with the Kakanui River expected to reach peak flow early tomorrow morning.
Caution is advised as the Pomahaka Catchment may read high levels late Monday or Tuesday. The Clutha River at Balclutha flow is currently high but is expected to remain within the river channel.
Rivers in the Upper Clutha and Kawarau Catchments including the Manuherikia River are not expected to rise significantly due to the expectation that rather than rainfall this area will experience snow.
ORC staff are continuing to monitor the situation and will provide further updates if necessary.
We recommend people check our website for the most up to date information www.orc.govt.nz/managing-our-environment/water/water-monitoring-and-alerts
Stay up-to-date through:
For up-to-date river flow and rainfall information: www.orc.govt.nz/managing-our-environment/water/water-monitoring-and-alerts
MetService www.metservice.com