Delite-ful Alternative for NZ Ice cream Lovers
Delite-ful Alternative for New Zealand Ice cream
Kiwi Ice Cream Launches 99% Fat Free No Added Sugar Ice Cream
Auckland, 19th November 2003 – Every day New Zealanders are bombarded with news about the ever-expanding obesity problem and associated health problems such as diabetes. Yet kiwis still want to be able to indulge their passion for ice cream. Coinciding with Diabetes Awareness Week (18 – 24 November) Kiwi Ice Cream has launched Sheer Delite, New Zealand’s first no added sugar 99% fat free ice cream.
“Many people are resistant to ‘low fat’ products, equating low fat with no taste,” says Marcus Moore, General Manager of Kiwi Ice Cream. “In fact people do come to appreciate the health benefits associated with low fat products and to enjoy the taste. As an example, we only need to look to the growing popularity of ‘green milk’, as opposed to traditional full cream ‘blue milk’.”
Sheer Delite is New Zealand’s first no added sugar low fat ice cream, making it suitable for people with diabetes and other health concerns. It has the National Heart Foundation’s Tick of Approval, and was developed in consultation with dietitians. “We have really focused on getting the sugar levels down to 10 g per 100 g serve, which is key for people with diabetes,” says Jackie Miles, Kiwi Ice Cream Food Technologist.
“New Zealanders are wising up to the fact that ‘low fat’ does not necessarily mean low calorie. In fact, many ‘low fat’ ice creams sold in New Zealand actually have more carbohydrates in them than regular ice cream,” says Miles. “Kiwi is committed to giving New Zealanders health conscious alternatives. Sheer Delite gives New Zealanders a true ice cream taste, without the associated sugar and fat.”
The first two Sheer Delite flavours available in supermarkets are Chocolite, and Berry Fusion. “Traditionally chocolate and berry are popular flavours, so we’ve really focused on getting these two to market,” says Moore.
Sheer Delite uses Splenda, a sweetener also used in light yogurts, low calorie cordials, puddings, jams and sauces. It is packaged in one litre translucent tubs, allowing consumers to see what is inside the pack. “We’ve found that consumers really like to see what they’re purchasing, so we’ve moved away from the typical white plastic container. Kiwi is committed to providing an innovative product to meet the needs of New Zealanders,” says Moore.
Under the management of Marcus Moore Kiwi is recognised for bringing innovative products to New Zealand consumers and ensuring that kiwis can satisfy their hunger for ice cream without sacrificing their waistlines.