Change In Lecture Schedule
Change In Lecture Schedule
You may have received this email yesterday, please note there has been a change in the Lecture schedule. Dr Becker will now be giving one lecture instead of two, see below. Same time, same place.
UPCOMING LECTURE by Carol Becker; 6pm, October 3rd, Elam Lecture Theatre, Elam School of Fine Arts. 20 Whittaker Place (under the Elam Library) admission free.
The Romance Of Nomadism.
A discussion of the Johannesburg Biennale,
in particular the Romance of the Global Citizen, and the
homogenization of the International Art World. The lecture
will also investigate a dominant aesthetic in many
International Biennales, one which is sifted through the New
York Art World. The lecture is about 40mins long.
Carol Becker; writer, cultural critic & Dean of Faculty and Vice President of Academic Affairs at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago has received several distinguished awards, including a Fulbright Visiting Scholar award in 1989, a MacArthur Foundation grant, Outstanding Alumni Award 1999 from UCSD, and a Rockerfeller Foundation Planning Grant in 1999.
Dr Becker is the author of ŒThe Invisible Drama: Women and the Anxiety of Change¹, ŒZones of Contention: Essays on Art, Institutions, Gender, and Anxiety¹, editor of ŒThe Subversive Imagination: Artists, Society, and Social Responsibility¹, and with Ann Wiens, co-editor of ŒThe Artist in Society: Rights, Roles, and Responsibilities¹. She is currently completing work on ŒSurpassing the Spectacle: Global Transformations and the Changing Cultural Politics of Art¹.
She has also written about many other topics, including issues relating to women and creativity, anxiety, Viet Nam and the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Artists at Work will present Dr Becker to national audiences through a series of speaking engagements in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.
Contact for Auckland lecture; Lisa Crowley, 3737599 ext 8825.