Solar Car Update - hvhssolarcar-l
Hutt Valley Solar Power Car Team
Hello everyone from
All having a good time here in oz. WE JUST PASSED scrutineering!!! Nothing was wrong with the car. We also got clearance to drive on a highway for testing all day Friday. The team is most pleased with this.
We are at Simon Hendersons at the moment having a barbeque- ex-pat-kiwi who has offered much welcomed logistical support. Assignment is pretty happy at the moment. I think they are having fun too. An american camera crew took intrest in our car today and so we gave them a tour of the car- they love the rally seat. We are the only ones with a car of the style we have and are attracting attention for being different!!
We're doing averagly for school entries at the moment- 45kph average speed around the Hidden Valley Motorsport Complex today. Thats the one on the playstation game grand trismo which the whole team thought that was pretty awesome!
Mike Brown is here with us- he's pretty cool and taking lots of photos of the car. A New Caledonian press team interviewed us too- car uniqueness again.
The school we are at is Kormilda College in Darwin- 30 mins from the main town.
It's 30 degrees plus in Darwin all day- and most of the night. It rains everyday and drys out within half an hour. We can hang our washing on the louvre windows to dry it each day- swims all the time help with the heat. The school has a pool we couldn't do without.
The Auzzies love to hassle us about sheep over here- even police officers dig in!!
Thats all for now- we will keep you updated as and when we can.
Richard Jackson Chairman Hutt High Solar inc.