... And Now For Something Completely Different
13 August 2002
: : The package
: : an urban survival
... And Now For Something Completely Different
The package is proud to announce that from 4 September 2002 we'll be publishing in FULL COLOUR.
As you can imagine - we’re pretty excited about this, and we're particularly stoked about the potential this offers for artwork and photographs. To prepare ourselves for the transition we’re taking a mid-winter break, and although you won’t see The package on the streets for the 21st or 28th August - but be assured - it will definitely be worth the wait. And you'll be able to check the lastest reviews, articles and event information online at www.thepackage.co.nz.
For any enquiries please contact: people@thepackage.co.nz
Thanks for your support!
The package crew
: : Coming soon : : The package 4th Birthday Weekend (23 November 2002)