Plunket Line Tell Public Write Congratulations
With less than one week to go before Plunket Line opens for business, Plunket chief executive, John Thompson, today sent out a plea to parents, care-givers and supporters :
“If you need help, call Plunket Line on 0800 933 922, if you want to congratulate us, please write to us at P O Box 13 –363, Johnsonville”.
John Thompson said that public support calling for the reopening of Plunket Line had been extensive.
“Although we have appreciated the support, I’m concerned that the call centre could become overloaded with congratulatory calls, causing an overloaded signal for callers needing help from the Plunket nurses on duty.”
The Prime Minister, Jenny Shipley, will reopen Plunket Line on Monday 16 August.
The line will operate from midday until midnight, seven days a week, by a rostered team of Plunket nurses, many of whom previously worked on the line.