Dinner’s Off, But The Tour Is Go, Go, Go!
Dinner’s Off, But The Tour Is Go, Go, Go!
While dinner at Jeanette’s is not a starter, ACT Leader, Hon Richard Prebble, is committed to bringing democracy to Coromandel this Friday.
ACT will hold old fashioned street corner meetings around the electorate to give concerned Coromandel voters the chance to express , to local MP Jeanette Fitzsimons, their distaste for the Employment Relations Bill.
“As an electorate dependent on tourism and agriculture, this anti-business measure is not wanted by the people of Coromandel.
“The Greens hold the balance of power in Parliament over the union-promoting Employment Relations Bill. ACT has received strong representations from Coromandel business and farming representatives worried about the Bill’s effects.
“The Bill gives enormous power to the trade union movement. The clause that prevents a small business owner from making alternative arrangements to get round a strike has turned the strike into a lethal weapon.
“None of these changes would be possible without the votes of the Greens. The overwhelming majority of those who made submissions requested the ability to comment on the coalitions' amendments to the Bill. Labour have strongly refused this request.
“Instead, with the support of the Greens, the Bill is going to be rammed through parliament under urgency.
“From the strong response I have received to faxes I have sent to businesses in the Coromandel, I do not believe the citizens of Coromandel support this extreme, pro-trade union industrial legislation.
“I will be telling Coromandel voters that they are the only electorate that can stop this dangerous law,” said Hon Richard Prebble.
Thames 11am Cnr Pollen and
Mary Streets
Paeroa noon Outside public library in
Belmont Rd
Waihi 2pm Cnr Seddon St and Rosemont
Katikati 3.30pm Outside Memorial