Shipley's trolley trolleyed – Cullen
"The latest food price index shows that Mrs Shipley's trolley is as wonky as her political management skills," Finance Minister Michael Cullen said today.
"She says the items in her trolley have increased by $18.47 since October. Food price inflation over the same period is 2.3 percent - or 1.2 percent excluding fresh fruit and vegetables.
"If Mrs Shipley's trolley was representative, she would have had to spend $803 to get her $18.47 increase.
"If there were no fresh fruit or vegetables in her trolley, the amount rises to $1554," Dr Cullen said.
He was commenting on the August food price figures showing zero food price inflation over the month, a 0.4 percent fall in the groceries, soft drinks and confectionery subgroup and a 0.2 percent fall in the fresh fruit and vegetable subgroup.