Puao Te Atatu
I totally support Iwi and Maori social service providers commitment to the implementation of Puao Te Atatu, says Tariana Turia.
The Associate Minister of Social Services and Employment (Social Services) attended a hui in Rotorua yesterday, held by the Department of Child, Youth and Family Services with Iwi and Maori social service providers from throughout the country.
"I commend the Chief Executive Jackie Brown and her senior managers for attending the hui. It is important they hear first hand the providers concerns so they can better support and assist providers working amongst their whanau, and contributing to whanau, hapu and iwi development.
"There were difficulties that were re-iterated at the hui regarding the capacity of the Department of Child, Youth and Family Services and I am working with Steve Maharey and the department to ensure we can overcome them for the benefit of the families and their children.
"It was clear that some form of systemic change needs to occur to provide more pro-active support to Iwi and Maori social service providers.
"I support the hui recommendations that a Treaty relationships between Crown and Iwi must be developed.
"The providers question whether
the current contracting process was equitable
with CYFS
acknowledging this did need to be addressed.
"The key message of the hui was 'whakahokia mai a mataou tamariki ki a matou, nga whanau, nga hapu, me o matou iwi' (return our children to their whanau, hapu, and iwi). I have always supported kin-based care and will work to ensure this becomes a reality.
"Both CFYS and myself are committed to ensuring the Government and CYFS words of commitment are turned into actions rather than left on a shelf for another decade," Tariana Turia said.