Web-site Helps Business Migrants
10 October 2000 Media Statement
Web-site Helps Business Migrants
A website to support business migrants was
enthusiastically launched at Parliament today by the
Minister of Immigration, Hon Lianne Dalziel.
"This site is professional and attractive; it's user-friendly; its home page is in 13 languages other than English; it's even got some humour, it links to over 650 different web-sites, and it's interactive – that is, you can e-mail questions directly to the Business Migrant Liaison Unit", said Lianne Dalziel.
Lianne Dalziel said that although there had previously been a web-site for business migrants, but this was much more than an upgrade.
"This site has been designed with the user in mind. It is designed to help business migrants gain the information they need to decide that New Zealand is the place to establish a business – and then to support them right through the process of application, settlement and beyond" Lianne Dalziel said.
Lianne Dalziel commented on the fact that it is
a global marketplace now, and New Zealand competes with
larger countries – particularly the US, Canada and Australia
– that are usually better placed to promote themselves to
people with business skills, ideas and capital.
"It is www.business-migrants.govt.nz that gives us a world-wide presence in that market-place", the Minister said.
The web-site has undergone testing with business migrants themselves. They and the immigration staff who work with business migrants had significant input into the site design.
“This improved website is one of the ways in which the New Zealand Immigration Service is becoming more responsive to the needs of those who want to make their home in New Zealand. It’s important that the Service works as a facilitator, helping new migrants make the transition to living in New Zealand as smooth as possible,” said the Minister, "It is resources like this website that will help to increase interest in New Zealand as a business migrant destination.”