Questions For Oral Answer Tuesday, 17 October 2000
Tuesday, 17 October
Questions to Ministers
1. GRAHAM KELLY to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade: What support will New Zealand be giving to the peace process in the Solomon Islands?
2. Rt Hon JENNY SHIPLEY to the Minister of Finance: What does a 3% annual rate of inflation indicate about the pressure on Kiwi families' budgets, and does he expect this pressure to get better or worse in the next six months?
3. KEVIN CAMPBELL to the Minister for Economic Development: What reports has he received about the economic development implications of the banking sector for the New Zealand economy?
4. Hon BILL ENGLISH to the Minister of Finance: Why does he believe the economy will bounce back when the latest New Zealand Institute of Economic Research business confidence survey shows negative investment intentions and an expected decline in employment levels?
5. TIM BARNETT to the Minister of State Services: Has he any further information in relation to oral question No. 10 of Tuesday 10 October; if so, what is it?
6. Hon MAX BRADFORD to the Minister of Women's Affairs: Does research undertaken by the Ministry of Women's Affairs conclude that employer-funded paid parental leave would not damage the economy, employers or employment; if so, does she intend to continue pursuing such a policy within the Government?
7. Hon KEN SHIRLEY to the Minister of Fisheries: Does he accept the call from the Treaty Tribes Coalition for the Government to legislate the agreed optimum allocation model to stop the "destruction of $1 million of Maori wealth every month"; if not, what is he doing to resolve this issue?
8. STEVE CHADWICK to the Minister of Commerce: Why is he introducing a revised takeovers code?
9. Hon PETER DUNNE to the Minister of Police: Are the Police reviewing their policy regarding high speed car chase procedures; if so, when will the review be completed?
10. Hon MARIE HASLER to the Minister of Consumer Affairs: Has she directed officials from the Ministry of Consumer Affairs to investigate claims by the Consumers' Institute and the Hamilton Budgeting Advisory Trust of "backdoor inflation" as some suppliers reduce the size of products?
11. JILL PETTIS to the Minister of Housing: What has been the response to the Government's restoration of income-related rents?
12. Hon Dr NICK SMITH to the Minister of Conservation: How many new marine reserves will be gazetted by the Government this calendar year?
Questions to Members
1. ROD DONALD to the Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee: Will the committee hear late submissions on the Singapore Free Trade Agreement from local authorities which have expressed concern that the Government has not advised them about the Agreement's local procurement provisions nor consulted with them about the impact these provisions could have on their regional development and job creation programmes; if not, why not?