Minister Welcomes Progress On Tourism Strategy
"The new partnership between the Government and the tourism industry will promote the sustainable long term development of New Zealand tourism," the Minister of Tourism Mark Burton said.
The Minister's comments follow the announcement that the New Zealand Tourism Strategy Group has set out a timetable and process and appointed managers for the strategy project.
"The New Zealand Tourism Strategy Group is an excellent example of the government's partnership approach to formulating sustainable development policies," Mark Burton said.
"The government is not driving this process in a particular direction. Rather it is working with the tourism industry and other stakeholders, to build on work already done by the industry.
"The Strategy Group has members from the industry, Maori, conservation, central and local government sectors. It has been tasked with formulated a framework within which future tourism activity can take place.
"The Strategy Group's decision to coopt a tenth member, Hugh Logan from the Department of Conservation, is a recognition that tourism development has to be environmentally, as well as economically sustainable."
Cap Gemini Ernst and Young will manage the strategy formulation and consultation process and undertake the day-to-day management of the project, which is expected to be completed by the end of March 2001.
"I urge all interested parties to participate in this project. Tourism is now our single biggest industry and as we plan for the future it is important that we get it right," Mark Burton said.
The tourism strategy website is