New 0800 number for information on terrorism
14 September 2001 Media Statement
New 0800 number for information on terrorism
The Security Intelligence
Service has established an 0800 number for use by people who
wish to convey information which could help defeat
international terrorism, Prime Minister and Minister in
Charge of the SIS, Helen Clark, said today.
The number is 0800 SIS 224 (0800 747 224).
"We cannot assume that somehow in New Zealand we are immune from terrorism," Helen Clark said.
"It is an international phenomenon. Its organisers operate around the world.
"There is absolutely nothing to suggest that New Zealand or New Zealanders were in any way associated with this week's terrorist attacks in the United States.
"But New Zealand itself is a very open country. New Zealanders are great travellers and great users of the internet. It is always possible that someone in New Zealand might come across information which could help identify people supporting international terrorism, such as this week's barbaric attack on the United States."
The Director of Security, Richard Woods, said a number of New Zealanders had called the service and other government agencies to offer information.
"It makes sense to provide a central point people can contact. We are not interested in time wasters but we are interested in receiving information that could help us in the fight against terrorism, wherever it may occur.
"If you have any information that might be helpful, in relation to the present events in the United States, or about terrorism generally, please ring 0800 747 224," Richard Woods said.