Skyhawks Court Decision Sad Day For NZ Defence
Media Release
21 November 2001
Skyhawks Court
Decision Sad Day For New Zealand’s Defence
New Zealand First Defence Spokesperson, Ron Mark, is expressing disappointment at the decision of the High Court to dismiss the Save Our Squadrons (SOS) case against Defence Minister Mark Burton.
“This decision was to be expected, but it was a valiant effort on the part of SOS,” said Mr Mark.
“This represents a sad day for New Zealand’s defence capabilities. The avenues open to the campaign to stop the disbandment of the air-strike capability are now diminishing. This Government seems hell bent on getting rid of the Skyhawks and in generally undermining New Zealand’s defensive capabilities.
“The decision to disband the Skyhawks was a purely political one and could perhaps never be dealt with in the Courts, but this highlights the depth of feeling that New Zealanders have towards their security, which they feel is being deliberately undermined and undervalued,” concluded Mr Mark.