Greens Announce Spokespeople Roles
Greens Announce Spokespeople Roles
22nd August 2002
Green Party co-leader Rod Donald today announced the new line-up of portfolios for the nine Green Party MPs.
"Our new MPs Metiria and Mike bring a great mix of new skills and energy to the Green caucus, and their portfolios reflect this.
"Metiria will be taking on Maori Affairs; Education; Immigration and Pacific Affairs. Mike will be the spokesperson for Arts and Culture; Sports, Fitness and Leisure; Tourism and Small Business.
Mr Donald said the caucus had also made some minor rearrangements in other portfolios. He will take on the Musterer position to streamline relations with the Government and free up Ian Ewen-Street to focus on organics and agriculture.
Jeanette Fitzsimons will take over responsibility for Transport, with Sue Kedgley assisting on Wellington transport issues and Keith Locke assisting on Auckland transport.