Early Childhood Education Report is Reckless
Early Childhood Education Report is Reckless and Flawed
Wednesday 6 Nov 2002 Donna Awatere Huata Press Releases -- Education
The statutory body New Zealand Council for Educational Research acted recklessly in publishing a blatantly anti-private sector report that relies on biased information and flawed evidence, ACT Education Spokesman Donna Awatere Huata said today.
"The Council has created a ghastly report that slates privately-run childcare centres. From reading this report, it is abundantly clear that the author knew what outcome she wanted to reach, then tried to stich together facts to prove that private education providers should be regulated out of existence. Her evidence doesn't support her extreme rhetoric or astounding conclusions.
"I find it incredible that the Council has chosen to publish a report that seems designed to scaremonger the 75,000 parents who choose to use independent providers for their young children. And it is a huge blow to the credibility of this organisation that this report should be released exclusively to a newspaper before private providers even had an opportunity to read it.
"While the Government looks after its friends in the state-run institutions, independent early childhood providers do their very best, providing a fair start to many children who would otherwise miss out.
"This report is insulting to providers and parents," Mrs Awatere Huata said.
For more information visit ACT online at http://www.act.org.nz or contact the ACT Parliamentary Office at act@parliament.govt.nz.