skill new zealand campaign takes off
30 October 2003 Media Statement
skill new zealand campaign takes off
An $800,000 campaign to get more employers and workers involved in industry training kicked off in Auckland this afternoon.
The first of five meetings around the country was held in Mangere as part of the skill new zealand campaign to discuss how best to promote workplace learning, and the barriers and solutions to accessing workplace learning and industry training.
The skill new zealand campaign is joint initiative between government, Business New Zealand and the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions to promote the benefits of workplace learning and industry training.
Associate Education (Tertiary Education) Minister Steve Maharey said addressing skill shortages is absolutely essential if we want to return New Zealand to the top half of the OECD.
“The knowledge society is built as much on the shop floor as it is in university classrooms and our future success as a nation – both economically and socially – will hinge on our ability to build a skilled and dynamic workforce.
“Workplace learning is an essential component of our tertiary education system and this campaign will help us address skills needs and issues where they occur – in the workplace.
“The government’s aim is to have 150,000 people participating in industry training in 2005, up from the just over 100,000 trainees who learned on the job last year. The skill new zealand campaign represents a shared commitment between government, industry and the unions to make that happen,” Steve Maharey said.
Other meetings will be held in Wellington (12 November), Christchurch (26 November), Dunedin (27 November) and Hamilton (5 December).
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