Rotten Kings Are Always Badly Advised
Rotten Kings Are Always Badly Advised
Wednesday 10 Dec 2003 Stephen Franks Press Releases -- Treaty of Waitangi & Maori Affairs
The depth of Maoridom's thrall to Labour is shown by today's complaint that officials are bullying Dr Michael Cullen into the wrong position on the seabed and foreshore issue, ACT New Zealand Maori Affairs Spokesman Stephen Franks said today.
"The subjects of oppressive rulers always pretend to believe their ruler would be great if he were not surrounded by evil advisors," Mr Franks said.
"It is hilarious to see Dr Cullen blithely letting this device get him - and his Cabinet colleagues - off the hook, when he reacts so fiercely at any other time there is a suggestion that he is not in full command of his officials.
"Nevertheless, it is a shrewd negotiating strategy by Te Opi Mana a Tai. They are engaged in a ritual dance. They know they`ll have to deal with Dr Cullen for months. They expect major concessions after the immediate media attention is over, and it suits both them and Dr Cullen to blame `nasty officials' for forcing them to criticise each other.
"Of course, the officials are doing their duty in trying to warn this Government of the tears down the track with its planned unprincipled response to the Court of Appeal's law changes on seabed and foreshore," Mr Franks said.
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