Practice What You Preach, Minister
Practice What You Preach, Minister
Friday 12 Nov 2004
Deborah Coddington - Press Releases - Education
ACT New Zealand Education Spokesman Deborah Coddington today called on Education Minister Trevor Mallard to practice what he preaches, after acknowledging that his outdated "one size fits all" approach to education doesn't work.
"Today in a speech to the Engaging Active Learning Communities conference in Wellington, Mr Mallard made the frank admission that his Government's denial of parental choice in education has failed, and that, in future, it would look at providing for greater diversity in the sector," Miss Coddington said.
"I'm pleased that the Minister is slowly coming around to ACT's vision for a successful and vibrant education system, but I fear that the proof will not be in the pudding.
"Labour continues to curb diversity via school zoning, a centralised and bureaucratic school funding system, and treating private early childhood providers with contempt - none of which encourage diversity and choice.
"By promoting competition, choice and national exam standards, only ACT will deliver the diversity and across the board excellence that is required to serve our community's diverse needs.
"Actions speak louder than words Mr Mallard. Practice what you preach, and parents throughout New Zealand will be thankful - even if the teachers' unions won't be," Miss Coddington said.