Time for Corrections Minister to wake up
Simon Power
National Party Law & Order Spokesman
4 November 2005
Time for Corrections Minister to wake up
National’s Law & Order spokesman, Simon Power, is calling for Corrections Minister Damien O’Connor to give some sign that he is alert and aware of what is going on in his portfolio.
“There has been a surprising lack of action or response from this Minister to the shambles of recent weeks – the overcrowding fiasco, the windows that open too wide at Ngawha Prison, the prisoner with methamphetamine and cash in his cell, the seven escapes, and the assaults on five guards and a Parole Board member.
“With the appearance of seven inmates in court today for assault at least we know someone is doing their job.
“But apart from that nothing is moving.
“Just like Sergeant Schultz, this Minister seems to see nothing, hear nothing and do nothing.
“How can these incidents be occurring in a properly run department?
“This Minister is presiding over a shambles and it is about time he demonstrated his intention to do something about it,” says Mr Power.