Nanny state denying parents choice in education
Nanny state denying parents choice in education
National Party Education spokesman Bill English says Labour’s nanny state approach to education is to blame for a $1 million law suit against the Education Ministry.
“Parents know what’s best for their kids, but Labour is putting all the power in the hands of faceless Wellington bureaucrats.”
Mr English is referring to the case of Daniel Anderson. He was forced by the Education Ministry to drop out of the Correspondence School and attend Mt Roskill Grammar, against his parents’ wishes.
“I have little doubt Mt Roskill Grammar would have tried their best for Daniel with limited resources. But ultimately parents should be the ones deciding where their children are educated.”
Mr English says Steve Maharey must change Labour’s policies in this area.
“Labour doesn’t trust parents to make good decisions.
“Parents can tell whether mainstreaming is working, and the Ministry shouldn’t stop them taking better options where they exist.”