Battle against organised crime "is on every front"
King: Battle against organised crime "is on every front"
Police Minister Annette King told the Police
Association conference today that she is confident that New
Zealand has the strength and capacity to take on organised
criminal groups whose sole ambition is to make profits out
of peddling misery and fear in our society.
Ms King says Labour will "continue to crack down on organized criminal activity across a number of fronts.
"Labour is already doing just this, and we will also establish a Commission of Inquiry into Organised Criminal Gangs as a means of establishing the extent of gang involvement in organised crime."
Ms King said the commission's findings would provide an excellent stocktake of the level of organised criminal activity in New Zealand, and supplement all the measures and initiatives currently being taken. "It will only draw on the experiences of police here, but will also hear from overseas jurisdictions facing similar issues and problems.
"There has also been a whole range of local solutions put forward to dealing with criminal gang activities. We need to ensure that any future measures we put in place continue to be effective," she said.
"Labour will expect the Commission to study not only the involvement of gangs in organised crime, but also to study recruitment and other anti-societal behaviour, and will also task the Commission with determining appropriate measures to curb and control gangs."
Ms King says Labour is also committed to investigating and following the progress of South Australian gang legislation to determine if it is applicable in a New Zealand context.
Ms King said Labour is committed to passing a number of Bills including:
The Serious Fraud Office Abolition and Transition
Provisions Bill establishing an Organised Crime and
Financial Agency within Police.
• The Organised Crime,
Penalties and Sentencing Bill, which significantly increases
the maximum penalty for participation in an organised
criminal group and make such participation an aggravating
factor at sentencing.
• The Criminal Proceeds
Recovery Bill, which introduces a new civil forfeiture
regime under which assets and profit gained from crime can
be confiscated without a conviction.
• The Search and
Surveillance Powers Bill to provide a coherent, consistent
approach to law enforcement powers of entry, search and
seizure. The law has failed to keep pace with technology,
with existing legislation sanctioning law enforcement use of
interception and tracking devices cumbersome and outdated.
It is silent with respect to the use of visual surveillance
"We will also act on a number of other fronts to combat crime, including:
• Making it easier, through
the Search and Surveillance Powers Bill, to detect younger
people carrying knives in a public place. Carrying knives
has become fashionable amongst some young people today, and
the use of knives by youth gangs has slightly increased over
recent years.
• Extending to other centres the
Counties Manukau community and police initiatives to respond
to youth gangs.
• Encouraging government agencies and
community groups to continue work in partnership to respond
effectively to young offenders' psychological problems,
alcohol and drug issues, educational failure and lack of
employment skills.
• Establishing Drug and Alcohol
Teams at a local level to coordinate a range of service to
provide tailored solutions for those who commit crime to
fund their drug use.
• Passing the Sale and Supply of
Liquor and Liquor Enforcement Bill to make it more difficult
for young persons to obtain alcohol.
• Passing the
Domestic Violence Reform Bill, which will enable Police to
issue interim protection orders; improve the response of the
Criminal Court and the Family Court to victims of family
violence; and provide better protection for children in
Family Court matters.
• Introducing legislation to
give effect to the recommendations of the Task Force for
Action on Sexual Violence that was set up in July last year.
"Labour is committed to a modern, effective, fair and accessible justice system which makes offenders accountable, reduces offending, supports the victims of crime, and, in turn, strengthens our communities," she said.
"Every New Zealander is entitled to feel safe in their homes and in their community, but governments cannot solve all the issues in isolation. Labour believes in working with communities to make our neighbourhoods as safe as we possibly can. We all need to take responsibility in the battle against crime."