Appointment of Deputy and Assistant Speakers
Notice of Motion 1-3; Appointment of Deputy and Assistant Speakers
Hon Dr Pita Sharples, Co-leader of the Maori Party
Tuesday 9 December 2008; 11am
First of all I would like to congratulate the Speaker on his appointment and I made reference to that, in my speech in te reo yesterday.
I stand on behalf of the Maori Party to support the notion of motion to appoint Lindsay Tisch as Deputy Speaker, and Rick Barker and Eric Roy as Assistant Speakers.
These roles are crucial to the House to enable the Speaker to carry out their role with great distinction. We require them to be absolutely clear in their judgement, impartial, fair and uphold the dignity of the House.
In this respect I would like to acknowledge the Honourable Ross Robertson for his care in the House and in particular for his care in the House in the use of the Maori language and I hope that they will set a precedent for this new term.
We are proud to have been a signatory to the Code of Conduct pioneered by four parties in this House – United Future, ACT, the Maori Party and the Greens.
We believe the Code of Conduct both assists MPs to carry out their duties and helps the public have confidence in their Parliamentary representative.
For the Maori Party we always saw the Code as consistent with our kaupapa and tikanga.
I would just like to acknowledge the Speakers and
wish them all