Igloo-type ammunition bunkers two years late
Spokesperson for Defence
18 August 2011
Igloo-type ammunition bunkers two years late
New igloo-type ammunition storage bunkers announced by Defence Minister Wayne Mapp this evening are a delayed but welcome response to security breaches of Defence Force facilities, Labour’s spokesperson for Defence, Iain Lees-Galloway says.
“But the reality remains--- had the Minister made public safety a priority when he took office, the upgrade, estimated to take two years to complete, would have been done by now and in all likelihood would have averted the security breech and theft that occurred at Kauri Point,” Iain Lees-Galloway said.
“Thorough advice was available to the Minister in 2008 around the upgrade of Defence Force facilities. The igloo-type bunkers alongside upgraded security systems and a modern explosive processing facility promised for Kauri Point are measures not dissimilar to those suggested by the last Labour Government.
“The Minister’s announcement is simply two years late.
“Issues around ammunition storage at Ohakea have been identified as in need of attention. Is the Minister taking any action here or will public safety need to be put at risk before he steps up? The Defence Force deserves a Minister with foresight and leadership.
“This is typical ‘ambulance at the bottom of the cliff’ policy from National. Another knee-jerk reaction after a serious security breach, three months out from an election.