Key Pokes Stick in Wasps Nest Over Water Rights
14 September 2012
Key Pokes Stick in Wasps
Nest Over Water Rights
The Government has sparked a political and racial conflict over water rights that will pit New Zealanders against each other for decades, warns Rt Hon Winston Peters.
This follows the hui at Ngaruawahia, which resolved to fund a Maori Council court challenge to the sale of Mighty River Power unless the government settles issues of proprietary rights over water before the share float of state-owned power companies.
Mr Peters says the issue of water rights was always going to create conflict because the privatisation plan exploits a precious natural resource owned by all New Zealanders.
“Maori were prepared to accept power generation using water from lakes and rivers with which they had historical ties as long as it was for the common public good but commercial exploitation obviously creates a different attitude.
“It is astonishing that Government ministers and officials did not realise that announcing plans to use this water for private, commercial profit would be like poking a stick into a wasps nest.”
Mr Peters says the whole privatisation plan is deeply flawed and the Government would be wise to back off before it creates widespread racial strife.
“We must also warn the Government not to start negotiating away ownership and control of New Zealand’s water.
“New Zealanders, both Maori and non-Maori, will not accept that,” says Mr Peters.