Poroporoaki : Olive Bullock
Poroporoaki : Olive Bullock
Hon Tariana Turia, MP
for Te Tai Hauauru
14 September 2012
“E te rangatira, hoki atu i te ara wairua, hoki atu ki te wa kainga, haere tonu atu ki te rerenga wairua, ki te aka ki te reinga, haere ki te Po! Haere ki te Po!”
Co-leader of the Māori Party, Tariana Turia, has expressed her great sadness at the passing (on Thursday 13th) of the kuia Olive Bullock of Ngā Rauru, Ngā Ruahinerangi, Ati Haunui a Paparangi.
“Olive was the kaitohuora and kaiwhakahaere of Te Kopere, (rongoa Maori healing school and clinic based at Nukumaru near Waitotara). The whare kura and whare oranga that she founded were a sanctuary for many; a place of traditional healing where rongoa Māori was taught and practised”.
“Her knowledge was immense. She was respected right across the globe for her expertise and wisdom in karakia (prayer), romiromi (massage), mirimiri (light tissue massage), nga rongoa (herbal medicines), honohono (energy work), hikoi moemoea (guided meditation) and mahi matekite (spiritual insight). In these many capacities she hosted and participated in cross-cultural exchange programmes where she earnt a reputation as a wise cultural advisor and elder”.
“Olive was a registered nurse and midwife with a broad background in health. At Te Oranganui Iwi Health Authority she worked alongside doctors and nurses as a healer offering romiromi, rongoa Maori, healing and hono. She was a member of the Mental Health Tribunal (1994-99); a trustee of the Whanganui Rongoa Maori Traditional Healers Collective; and a member of Maori Organics”.
“Olive has spent her life dedicated to strengthening whanau and communities – in particular, our youth and elders with a focus on health and wellness. She will be much missed by indigenous peoples throughout the world”.
“Olive was hugely loved by us all and has been a source of great inspiration and healing for many whānau, iwi and right across the wider community”.
“But most of all, the loss will be profound for her children, her mokopuna and mokopuna tuarua, tuatoru. She had a powerful influence on all of their lives and my heartfelt sympathies lie with them all”.