Privacy Bill puts timely pressure on Govt
Sue Moroney
Labour List MP
5 August 2013
Privacy Bill puts timely pressure on Govt
The Privacy Commissioner would have been able to launch her own inquiry into the breach of a journalist’s privacy under a law being proposed by Labour MP, Sue Moroney.
If it were law, Sue Moroney's Members Bill, which could be debated as early as this week, would allow Privacy Commissioner Marie Shroff to undertake an investigation without having to wait for a formal complaint to be lodged.
“Our current complaints driven process puts the onus for action on the wrong people. This Bill would give the Privacy Commissioner more scope to address underlying, systemic privacy issues that currently aren’t dealt with until it is too late.
“If the Government is to regain any credibility around privacy issues, it would do well to vote for my Bill.
"John Key and his Ministers have been playing fast and loose with New Zealander's privacy. From ACC to EQC, the GCSB and every acronym in between, this Government has shown blatant disregard for New Zealanders privacy.
“Justice Minister, Judith Collins had promised legislation to fix privacy breaches by the first half of this year, but she has dragged the chain on it and there is still no sign of progress. National could start to make amends for their bad track record, by supporting my Bill to select committee."