Young Hutt social entrepreneurs encouraged to go for $120K
Chris Bishop
National List MP based in the Hutt
Media statement
4 September 2015
Young Hutt social entrepreneurs encouraged to go for $120K
Chris Bishop is encouraging Hutt Valley youth with bright ideas to apply for a share of the $120,000 Opportunity for Young People fund.
“The Hutt Valley is full of talented young entrepreneurs who would be ideal recipients of the Opportunity for Young People Fund. This funding will be awarded to youth with clever and achievable ideas that will make a social or environmental difference.
“By working on projects they have designed, young people develop valuable decision-making skills and confidence. This bodes well for a community with a strong high-tech and education focus.
“To qualify, the applicant must be aged between 12 – 24 years and have a social enterprise idea they want to make a reality,” says Mr Bishop, the National Party List MP based in the Hutt Valley.
The panel will award funding based on the innovation, viability, potential for growth and social impact of the project, while also considering value for money.
“This fund inspires youth to apply a commercial approach to solving social or environmental challenges, a way of thinking vital to the future of New Zealand.
“Young people who solve community problems with innovative and entrepreneurial thinking are well placed for future leadership. It is only right that we recognise this through special youth funding and other types of awards,” Mr Bishop says.
The Opportunities for Young People funding comes from the $2 million Government Youth Enterprise Fund launched in December last year. Interest for this round of funding must be registered by 20 October 2015. More information about the Opportunities for Young People Fund is available at