Maternity Review Urgently Needed to Allay Concerns
Barbara Stewart MP
Spokesperson for Health
Maternity Review Urgently Needed to Allay Concerns
New Zealand First is again calling on the government to order an independent review into maternity services following the release of a study showing babies born under the care of midwives have poorer outcomes than those under the care of doctors.
“New research by the University of Otago shows babies born under the care of midwives suffered higher rates of damage, such as oxygen deprivation during birth,” says Health Spokesperson Barbara Stewart.
“This follows a study released last year which called for the implementation of mandatory clinical supervision for newly-graduated midwives after finding outcomes for mothers and babies were poorer under newly-graduated midwives.
“New Zealand First believes the current system is not doing everything it can to stop preventable deaths and permanent disabilities.
“It is time the minister stopped ignoring these serious concerns and ordered an independent review,” says Mrs Stewart.