Green Prescriptions benefit more Kiwis
Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman
Minister of Health
10 November 2016
Green Prescriptions benefit more Kiwis
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says the number of pill-free Green Prescription referrals have exceeded the target for the first quarter of 2016/17.
“Green Prescriptions provide people with advice and support to improve their nutrition and physical activity,” says Dr Coleman.
“Over 13,700 Green Prescription referrals were made in the first quarter of 2016/17, exceeding the target by nearly 100 referrals.
“It’s great to see that more New Zealanders are getting the extra support they need to get well and stay well.
“There are a range of reasons someone might receive a Green Prescription from their GP or practice nurse - patients might have type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, weight issues, high blood pressure or cholesterol, have arthritis or be at risk of stroke.
“Green Prescription initiatives can range from cooking classes to motivational texts, and a range of opportunities to be active in your local community.”
Almost 50,000 adults received a Green Prescription in the past year. A recent survey of over 2,800 recipients found that Green Prescriptions not only benefit the individual but also have a positive impact on the whole family.
The Green Prescription initiative continues to generate international interest with local UK authorities recently considering how they can support people’s health and wellbeing through the use of ‘social prescriptions’ which will use a similar model to Green Prescriptions.
Green Prescription services are provided by a range of organisations across New Zealand including local regional sports trusts, primary health organisations and NGOs. More information is available on the Ministry of Health website: