Helen Clark, Your No Tony Blair
Media Statement By Tony Ryall Minister for State Owned Enterprises
23 July, 1999
Helen Clark confirmed yesterday Labour is so bereft ideas it now openly relies on Tony Blair's latest policy idea for Europe and the UK.
"The arrogant over-confidence of the Labour Party has led Leader Helen Clark to proudly boast to Christchurch media that her policy ideas "have been stolen from Tony Blair", said SOEs Minister Tony Ryall.
"After nine years in Opposition, Labour still has no new ideas", said Mr Ryall.
"What New Zealand needs is political leadership with a New Zealand vision. New Zealanders want their governments to have kiwi solutions to kiwi problems. Jenny Shipley and the National Government provides such leadership.
"Britain now looks inwards to Europe for its future, and Tony Blair's policies are directed that way.
"Britain is a member of a closed shop who keep the rest of the world at bay with tariffs, subsidies, and regulations.
"For New Zealand to survive we must look outwards toward Asia, the United States, Australia and the Pacific rim.
"Copying Tony Blair's policies and parroting Tony Blair's philosophies are not a third way, a new way, or any other sort of way for New Zealand. We need New Zealand ideas, by New Zealanders, for New Zealanders.
"Helen Clark's copied ideas are a step backwards, New Zealand has moved on. Our country in the south west Pacific is quite different to Britain.
"Cut the apron strings Helen, it's time to grow up.