New Board Members For Foundation For Science, R&D
New Board Members For Foundation For Research, Science, Technology
"Key 'new economy' areas such as electronics, biochemistry and the environment will be boosted by the appointment of three new members to the Board of the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology", Minister of Research, Science and Technology, Maurice Williamson said today.
Mr Williamson said Neville Jordan, Maxine Simmons and Dr Andrew Pearce have been appointed as members of the FRST Board from 1 October 1999 to 30 September 2002.
Neville Jordan is founder and former Chief Executive of MAS Technology, a successful hi-tech company. He is a former Crown Research Institute director and has chaired several commercial companies and Crown bodies.
Maxine Simmons is Founder and Executive Director of Immuno-Chemical Products Ltd - a biochemical manufacturing business. Ms Simmons has a strong science background, business acumen and science skills. She is a member of the New Zealand Biotechnology Association (BIOTENZ) and the New Zealand Institute of Directors.
Dr Andrew Pearce has been Chief Executive of Landcare Research Ltd, a Crown Research Institute specialising in environmental research, since 1992. Dr Pearce is a director of several research-focused companies in New Zealand and Australia.
An existing member, Rick Christie, has been appointed as the Deputy Presiding Member of the Board until 1 August 2000. Mr Christie is the longest serving Foundation board member.
The Foundation manages the Public Good Science Fund, allocates funds for the Technology New Zealand scheme, as well as the post-doctoral and the Maori Fellowships schemes. It will invest over $310 million in the 1999/00 year in research, science and technology.
"The new members are familiar with the issues involved with moving technology from the research bench into the wider economy, as they have significant research, innovation and business experience," Mr Williamson said.
The members finishing their terms on the Board are Margaret Loutit (Deputy Presiding Chair), Pat Garden, Geoffrey Page and Ian Smith.
"I thank them for their significant contribution through a period of important change for FRST," said Mr Williamson.