Maori parties form Kotahitanga Coalition
The MP for Te Tairawhiti, Hon Tuariki Delamere, today
announced that, at a
hui held on Hamilton s
Kirikiriroa marae yesterday, the Maori political
parties, Mana Maori Movement, Te Tawharau and Piri Wiri Tua
Movement agreed
to combine into a coalition and run a
combined list for the purposes of the
party vote.
“The Maori voters want to see their Maori MP's not only
representing Maori,
but being accountable to Maori.
"You cannot be accountable to Maori if your first allegiance
is to a
political vehicle that is owned and controlled
by Pakeha such as Labour and
National,” Mr Delamere
said today from Hungahungatoroa Marae in Tauranga.
“Throughout New Zealand Maori are asking for kotahitanga,
for unity, among
the Maori political vehicles as they
know that, because Maori are a minority,
this is the
only way to get Maori MP's into Parliament as part of a
political vehicle.
"To that end, Mana
Maori, Te Tawharau and Piri Wiri Tua will next week
announce a combined list and seek the kotahitanga party vote
under the
umbrella of Mana Maori for this
Mana Maori, Te Tawharau and Piri Wiri Tua
will be standing candidates in the
electorates under
their own individual party banners but they will appear
the kotahitanga party list of Mana Maori.
Tuariki Delamere concluded, “This is a momentous political
event for Maori
and I am very confident we will win at
least six seats in the next Parliament
which will
result in Maori holding the balance of power.
"As we
enter into the new millennium Maori will finally achieve a
partnership in the governing of Aotearoa."