Woolgrowers Should Register For August Referendum
Woolgrowers Should Register With Wool Board For August Referendum
Southland Federated Farmers Meat and Fibre spokesman Peter Bowmar is urging farmers to make sure they are registered with the Wool Board before the planned August referendum on the McKinsey Report.
"It's important that farmers are registered as levy-payers with the Wool Board - registration will enable growers to vote in the referendum and ensure they receive their share of the reserves if the report is adopted," said Mr Bowmar.
"If growers are unsure if they are on the Wool Board roll, they need to check now. They can call the Wool Board on 0800-104-666 to do this," Mr Bowmar advised.
NZ Meat and Fibre Producers Chairman Chris Lester supports Mr Bowmar's call for growers to ensure they are registered.
"I can't emphasise enough how important it is for growers to be registered with the Wool Board. All growers need to be involved in deciding the future direction of our industry," said Mr Lester.
For more information: Chris Lester 025-978-424 Maxine Yule 04-473-7269
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