Creative Obstruction to Te Aro Destruction
Wed, 8 Dec 2004
Creative Obstruction to Te Aro Destruction

Te Aro residents gathered in Buller St this afternoon and replaced the earth mercilessly overturned by Fulton Hogan as they attempted to start construction of the inner city 'bypass.' Shovels, buckets and eager hands were put to good use in a lighthearted and non-violent display of opposition to the start of road-building.
Said spokesperson Tony McPhail, "Local schoolchildren, commuters, pedestrians, cyclists, Te Aro residents and the wider Wellington community will all lose out if the 'bypass' goes ahead."
"The only people who will benefit from the bypass are those who are in a position to financially profit from its construction."
"This action was not aimed at workers, it was a message to the beauracrats who want to bulldoze Te Aro's creative community. We will do everything we can to defend our neighbourhood from these profiteers."
The festivities were accompanied by lively drumming and toots from supportive motorists. Police arrived at the scene but no arrests were made and the group left peacefully.
"This is just of many actions being planned to disrupt and and ultimately destroy Fulton Hogan and the 'bypass' project. This road building madness will not be allowed to continue."
More creative resistance is planned for this Friday 10 December, with a march leaving from Civic Square at midday.