Defence Force Rememberance at Wellington Cathedral
Media Advisory
Wednesday 9 November, 2005
Defence Force Rememberance at Wellington Cathedral
On Remembrance Sunday, 13 November the Wellington Cathedral of St Paul will host the New Zealand Defence Force’s annual commemorative service at 10.00am.
For the first time, the 2005 service will incorporate a tri-service flavour with Royal New Zealand Navy and Royal New Zealand Air Force involvement in a service which has traditionally had only New Zealand Army representation. The three Service Flags will be paraded along with the flag of the Wellington Branch of the Returned Services Association.
The focus of the service now extends beyond the Armistice ending World War I, remembering other areas of conflict since that time and recognising the commitment of New Zealanders today. “We begin with the Remembrance, looking back, and then move on to look to the future”, said The Very Reverend Frank Nelson, Dean of Wellington Cathedral of St Paul. “The service invites us to recall the supreme sacrifice paid by far too many people, both in and out of uniform, in two world wars, and in other areas of conflict in which New Zealanders have been involved.”
Chief of Defence Force, Air Marshal Bruce Ferguson said “We also take this opportunity to remember our comrades who are currently serving throughout the world, risking their lives in the cause of peace and in defence of the values New Zealanders hold dear.”