Bridgecorp fiasco sparks call for law change
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Bridgecorp fiasco sparks call for law change
The Sensible Sentencing Trust says a law change is required to prevent people on bail or awaiting appeal leaving the country.
The call comes after it was revealed convicted Bridgecorp Director Peter Steigrad was able to travel to London after his travel restrictions were suspended while awaiting appeal.
National Spokesman for the Sensible Sentencing Trust, Garth McVicar said most New Zealanders would be appalled that a convicted offender could leave the country so easy, appeal pending or not.
“While it doesn’t surprise me, it seems the law is a complete ass in this area with the recent bail review revealing offenders were making an absolute mockery of the law with thousands wanted for breach of bail and / or sentencing conditions.”
The figures also reveal 15people were wanted on warrants for homicide and related offences, including manslaughter, attempted murder and driving causing death.
“It seems to us that the current law doesn’t give a hoot about victims when convicted offenders like Peter Steigrad can scoot off on an overseas jaunt”
“Obviously victims don’t count where the law is concerned.” ENDS