Greater Christchurch?
Greater Christchurch?
Will the draft Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy build a Greater Christchurch?
The draft Urban Development Strategy for Greater Christchurch hit the road this week, as the project targets malls and meeting places to gather public opinion on the UDS partners' plan to manage growth and change.
Launched on Monday by the partners Christchurch City Council, Selwyn and Waimakariri district councils, Environment Canterbury, and Transit New Zealand, the draft strategy is a long-term plan aimed to tackle issues across the Greater Christchurch area together in a more sustainable way.
With Greater Christchurch predicted to grow by as much as 75,000 households by 2041 - the partners have significant challenges ahead as to where this growth should be centred and how their various infrastructures, housing mixes and land availability will cope. These are just some of the issues in the draft Strategy that partners want public input on before they approve a final strategy in April, 2007.
Public submissions opened on 6 November and close 20 December. The full draft Strategy is available now on-line for downloading, along with a summary of the full document, on the website. All on-line submitters who give their email address and contact details will go in a draw to win one of five KHS A100 mountain bikes, valued at $450 each, from BikeHQ.
Hardcopy versions of the full Strategy and summary will be available from all council service centres and libraries from tomorrow. Public Open Days will also be held in various communities throughout Greater Christchurch throughout the public consultation period.
Open Days confirmed so far are as follows: * 15-17 November, CCC Royal NZ Show (A&P Show) marquee, 7.30am to 5.30pm * 16 November, Lyttelton Recreation Centre, 7pm to 9pm * 22 November, Mount Pleasant Community Centre, 7pm to 9pm * 23 November, Rangiora Service Centre, 4.30pm to 7.30pm * 25 November, Kaiapoi Library, 10am to 1pm * 27 November, Te Amorangi Centre, cnr Pages and Woodham rds, 7pm to 9pm * 29 November, Rolleston Community Centre, 6.30pm to 8pm * 30 November, Lincoln University C1 lecture theatre, 6.30pm-8pm * 4 December, Papanui RSA, 7pm to 9pm.