Final stage of stopbanking consents lodged
< Final stage of Mid Canterbury stopbanking
consents lodged Environment Canterbury engineers and
hazards planners will this Friday lodge applications for
consents to build stopbanks on the South Ashburton River at
Valetta. “This work will complete a major stopbanking
and flood protection works programme designed to provide
200-year protection for the urban areas of Ashburton and
Tinwald,” said ECan Rakaia councillor Angus McKay, who
also chaired the ECan hazards portfolio during the 2004-07
term. “This last stopbank will protect people and
property on the South Ashburton flood plain from Lake Hood
to Valetta. “If all goes to plan, this last segment of
work - which covers 6.5 kilometres, not all of which is
continuous stopbank - will be completed during the 2008/09
spring and summer season,” Cr McKay said. Once the
consent applications are lodged with Ashburton District
Council and Environment Canterbury, council consents staff
will decide on their notification status and provide a
timetable for input if public notification is the course
taken. “This will complete a massive package of works
started three years ago, with the majority already completed
for the Ashburton River’s main stem and North Branch,”
Cr McKay said. Funding arrangements through the special
rating district targeted rate are already in place for the
work, which will cost around $500,000. The construction is
likely to cover two seasons - starting this summer at the
earliest. ends