Have your say on making Gisborne awesome
Media Release
Friday 22 August 2014
Have your say on making Gisborne awesome
The second of three Long Term Plan (LTP) public workshops will be held on Tuesday 26 August 5.30pm at the Lawson Field Theatre.
The workshop will outline plans and opportunities for improving parks, walk ways and public spaces.
“We want to attract people to urban and rural hubs, parks and reserves, beaches, waterways, walk and cycle ways, and make them fun and interesting.” Says Nedine Thatcher-Swann, Council’s Community Planning and Development Group Manager.
Presentations from guest speakers include Mayor
Meng Foon sharing plans for the Tairawhiti Navigations
Parks and recreation specialist, Geoff Canham
will highlight international trends and exciting ideas for
our public spaces, and Steve Sawyer from Ecoworks will
outline how we can all play a role in improving biodiversity
in our local communities.
The Mayor encourages anyone in the community attend and be prepared to share your ideas with council.
“We want to hear what the community wants
Further details about the workshop and guest
speakers are available on our website www.gdc.govt.nz . Or tell us what you
think on Facebook or Instagram @gisbornedc.
A third workshop, held later in the week Thursday 28 August 5.30pm, will focus on environmental priorities for our region, with a focus on water issues.